Our team is an initiative international group of people of different professions, who decided to combine their efforts in order to conduct an objective study of artifacts found in different parts of Mexico, which reflect the phenomenon of paleocontact or visit in ancient times «aliens» of our planet.
Oleg Elistratov, USA
The field of expertise in the project (FEP): laboratory testing, statistical data processing, expeditions, organization of research.
Andrey Zhukov, Russia
FEP: history and archeology of ancient Mexico, historical analysis, expeditions, archaeological excavation.
Dr. Pablo Enrique Garcia Sanchez, Mexico
FEP: the study of the historical context and artifacts of zones of the Mexican paleoсontaсt, collection, expeditions.
Mark Russell, USA / Mexico
FEP: the study of artifacts of the El Toro «Aztlan», collection, expeditions.
Nassim Haramein /USA (Resonance Science Foundation)
FEP: physics, laboratory tests, research, expeditions, public relation, collection.
Nikolay Subbotin, Russia
FEP: paranormal research, journalism, cinematography.
Dr. Dr. Gonzalo Franco Martinez, Mexico
FEP: the study of artefacts of the Teocaltiche zone, collection.
Dr. Mario Higuera , Mexico
FEP: the study of artefacts of the Guerrero zone, collection.
Julia Kamalova, Spain
FEP: translations , expeditions.
Marina Kokorina, Russia
FEP: study of graphics and artistic style of artifacts, expeditions.
Valery Barchenko, Russia
FEP: collection, expeditions.
Semen, Russia
FEP: skeptic, webmaster, computer data processing.
Anastasia Apurina, Italy
FEP: instigator to start research, history of ancient cultures.
Sergey Guryanov, Russia
FEP: UFO research, expeditions.
Evgeny Andrianov-Dalgren, Russia
FEP: collection, expeditions.
Alexander Sploshnov, Russia
FEP: computer graphics, filming, speleological expeditions.
Kiril Elistratov, USA
FEP: collection, expeditions, arheoligical excavation.
Victor Shvedov, Russia.
FEP: geology, study of stone carving, system analysis.
Olesia Olshansky
FEP: translations , expeditions.
Jullia Pratt
FEP: psychic, UFO research, archeology, expeditions.
Robbie Scott Brown, USA
FEP: organization of research, laboratory testing, expeditions. (Torus Tech).
Trevor Millar, USA
FEP: laboratory testing, analysis, expeditions (Torus Tech).
Hauty Phitikov (Хаути Пхитиков), Russia
FTP: Ancient languages, historical linguistics.
Sergey Shpakovsky, Canada
FEP: UFO research.
Nikolai Bougaenko, Canada
FEP: UFO research
Tomas Hrico — Switzerland
FEP: journalism, expeditions.
Igor Sokolov, Russia
FEP: UFO research